Search by Name

Request for business data.

query - Business name.

Example request:


  curl -X GET 'Общество с ограниченной ответственностью ОНЛАЙНЕР' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: ваш_ключ_API'


Request length (identifier parameter) - no more than 12 characters.

Maximum request frequency - 30 per second from one IP - address.

Maximum frequency of new connections - 60 per minute from one IP - address.


Free up to 3000 requests per day.



    "unp": "190657494",
    "registration_date": "1128546000000",
    "removal_date": null,
    "actuality_date": "1648760400000",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "type": "LEGAL",
    "full_name_ru": "Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ОНЛАЙНЕР"",
    "full_name_by": "Таварыства з абмежаванай адказнасцю "ОНЛАЙНЕР"",
    "short_name_ru": "ООО "ОНЛАЙНЕР"",
    "short_name_by": "ТАА "ОНЛАЙНЕР"",
    "trade_name_ru": "ОНЛАЙНЕР",
    "trade_name_by": "ОНЛАЙНЕР",
    "fio_ru": null,
    "fio_by": null,
    "address": "220123, г. Минск, ул. Старовиленская, д. 100, корпус 7, (2 этаж)",
    "oked": "73110",
    "oked_name": "Деятельность по созданию рекламы"
unpUNP (Taxpayer Identification Number)
registration_dateRegistration date
removal_dateRemoval date from USR
actuality_dateDate of last changes
statusOrganization status
typeOrganization type
full_name_ruName in Russian
full_name_byFull name in Belarusian
short_name_ruShort name in Russian
short_name_byShort name in Belarusian
trade_name_ruTrade name in Russian (for legal entities only)
trade_name_byTrade name in Belarusian (for legal entities only)
fio_ruFull name in Russian (for individual entrepreneurs only)
fio_byFull name in Belarusian (for individual entrepreneurs only)
addressAddress in one line in Russian (for legal entities only)
okedMain activity code
oked_nameName of the main activity in Russian